Applications for four of our grant programs will be available next week. |
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Introducing our new Council ChairmanOn Tuesday, January 27, the members of the California Arts Council unanimously elected Donn K. Harris as their new Council Chair. Harris was appointed to the Council by Governor Brown in January 2014, and has been Artistic and Executive Director of the Oakland School for the Arts since 2007. MORE >>
Grant Programs Open Next WeekApplications will be available next week for the following California Arts Council programs: Creative California Communities, Artists in Schools, Local Impact (formerly Creating Places of Vitality), and Statewide Networks. Check the programs section of our website next week for application and guideline details. MORE >>
A Blueprint for Creative SchoolsA Blueprint for Creative Schools: A Report to State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson was released today by CREATE CA. The report is a summary report culminating over two years of work by over 100 contributors, dedicated to making a creative education possible for all of California’s students by making the arts a central component of curriculum. MORE >> |
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Tax Tips for Artists Center for Cultural Innovation Los Angeles, CA Date: 2015-02-11 more |
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California Arts Council
1300 I Street
Suite 930
Sacramento, CA 95814
916.322.6555 |