The Council will hold its next public meeting January 30 in San Bernardino. |
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Council meeting: Jan. 30 in San BernardinoThe California Arts Council will hold its first business meeting of 2019 on January 30 at the Garcia Center for the Arts in San Bernardino. The public is invited to attend and to address the Council during the public comment period. A detailed agenda and meeting packet are available here.
The CAC is hiring! Two positions now open for applicationsJoin our team! We're now accepting applications for a limited-term, part-time Records Management Coordinator and a Student Assistant working toward a degree in accounting or business. Visit the CAC Careers page for more information—apply by Jan. 29.
Disaster Relief Resources for CA Artists & CommunitiesMany parts of our state have been experiencing severe weather patterns—some in areas more vulnerable due to wildfires. The CAC maintains a webpage dedicated to resources for Californian artists and arts communities in the aftermath of natural disasters of all kinds. If you have been impacted by the wildfires or recent flooding or storms, click here for current information. This page is regularly updated as new information becomes available.
Partners Power the Create CA Campaign webinar: Jan. 29Create CA will host a webinar on Jan. 29 at 11 a.m. to offer a deeper dive into its public will campaign for arts education. The webinar will cover what the campaign is and isn't; models for participation with examples from the field; available resources, including new editable files and presentation; with a Q-and-A session to follow. The webinar is open to organizations looking to learn more, are ready to jump in or who are already engaged and want to review the latest resources and thinking on partnership. Click here to register. |