We're seeking a Race & Equity Manager to join our team! |
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Apply today! Race and Equity Manager position now openJoin the CAC team! We're accepting applications for the recently created Race and Equity Manager position. The role is an addition to the CAC Executive Team and will provide strategic direction for institutionalizing racial equity within our agency. View position details here. Apply by December 23.
A guide to understanding AB-5 for arts organizationsWolfBrown and Brown Law Group, with contributions from California Arts Advocates, have created a beneficial resource guide for California arts organizations that may be impacted by the recent signing of Assembly Bill 5. The document highlights the effects of AB-5 and worker misclassification on nonprofit arts and culture organizations. View the full document here.
NEA guidelines for 2020 projects now availableApplications and guidelines are now available for next year's National Endowment for the Arts funding categories - Grants for Arts Projects, Challenge America, Creative Writing Fellowships: Poetry, and Literature Fellowships for Translation Projects. Visit the Arts Endowment's Apply for a Grant page for more details. |